Why We Cannot Allow Bullies and Crooks to Sway Our Vote & Voice

I am compelled to address the recent article published by Florida Jolt, which contains egregious falsehoods and misrepresentations about my candidacy for State Rep. District 94. The article not only misquotes and fabricates information but also employs defamatory language that undermines the integrity of fair political discourse.
Firstly, the article alleges that I have posted anti-Semitic rhetoric on social media, including vile accusations that are completely fabricated. Let me be unequivocally clear: I have never made any anti-Semitic statements, nor have I propagated any such content.
Publishing actual* events or facts regarding a GOVERNMENT while simultaneously and repeatedly defending “innocent Israelis” and “innocent Jewish people” in Israel is not the proper definition of Anti-Semitism. Neither is calling out disgusting behavior by individuals* claiming moral high ground due to their purported religion. Many of the Jolt’s screenshots of texts referenced in the article are fake and lack any credible source, other than “a source”. Only one text shot was actually valid, which is the one in defense of Jewish people and stating I was praying for them.
Furthermore, it should be stated that Tracy Caruso, one of the editors at Florida Jolt, is the wife of Mike Caruso, a current state representative who has endorsed my opponent, Meg Weinberger. Records show that Mike Caruso has received campaign donations totaling $4000 from the Weinbergers camp. This glaring conflict of interest raises serious questions about the editorial integrity of Florida Jolt and calls into question the motive behind the slanderous article published against me. After sending Jack Furnari (the other co-editor), a full breakdown of the Pay for Play happening in my race of an opponent with Caruso’s name on it, apparently the claws came out. State level donations can be tracked here https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/campaign-finance/contributions/
The article, apparently co-written by Furnari and Caruso, also falsely claims I am the author of the Pay for Play article forwarded to Furnari, despite the email stating clearly this was an anonymous author who sent this to MANY people in the county. The question is why lie?
The article goes further to suggest that I have “blamed” Governor Ron DeSantis and engaged in conspiratorial thinking regarding “chemtrails.” Several conservative states HAVE banned the practice and asking my governor to do the same makes me a “shiny tin foil hat wearer” according to Furnari and Caruso, the 2 authors of this trash hit piece. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/02/pfas-state-federal-legislation-industry-response
Additionally, Florida Jolt’s attempt to doxx my campaign supporters by publishing their names and implying wrongdoing is reckless and unethical journalism. This tactic is a clear attempt to intimidate and harass individuals who have exercised their right to support my candidacy. I cannot express how strongly this behavior should be CONDEMNED.
Accusations of antisemitism and other forms of hatred are serious matters that should never be weaponized for political gain. As a candidate, I remain committed to principles of integrity and respect for all individuals, regardless of background or belief.
The article’s insinuation that I or others critical of governments around the world are “Jew haters” is a vile and baseless accusation. I have never expressed any hatred towards Jewish people or any other group. Such libelous statements not only defame my character but also seek to undermine the democratic process by spreading falsehoods. A publication that claimed to be ”moral people and children of God” would never post such garbage and libel.
In conclusion, I categorically deny all allegations made by Florida Jolt and demand a retraction of their defamatory statements. They have been notified by my attorney as well. The editorial bias and conflicts of interest at Florida Jolt must be exposed, and I urge voters to scrutinize sources and seek the truth amidst such baseless attacks on my character and campaign.
If you would like more information about what I believe in and stand for click HERE to learn more.
Gabrielle M Fox
Candidate for FL State House, District 94